Friday, August 16, 2013

Introduction to, well, me!

I recently started posting videos about my thrifting and reselling "adventures" on Youtube()but I'm not big on plastering my goofy face all over the internet, and also I don't really want certain people from my past seeing my videos and trying to get in touch with me. Also I use my smart phone to record the videos, and it just doesn't look that good, the way it shrinks the videos and leaves black bars on both sides, so I figured I could get more info about me and how I go about trying to make this reselling thing work into a blog. And here we are! I'm going to be making posts with different topics, such as advice, tips, things to avoid and things to pick up, pricing, customer service, where to shop, etc. I'll also be posting videos, and showing some of the items I buy and some that I sell. So, I would love feedback and for all of you out there to follow this blog, and let me know what you think. Okay, I'm Jack, and I hate my day job. It involves a lot of heavy lifting and non-brain-using work. I recently re-injured my back, for like the tenth time, and have been sitting at home recuperating for the past seven or so weeks. I'm feeling like this might be the one that puts me out for good. I've always been able to bounce back, and go right back to work, but I'm 37 now, not 21, and I'm just not in the shape that I used to be. Are any of us? I decided maybe six weeks ago to give this reselling thing a shot, because I had already been selling comic books on Ebay for about a year, and doing pretty good at it. I didn't do it as a part time job or anything, just whenever I found one or two that were worth a bit of money, I would put them up and make a little extra cash. I then decided to try Amazon, when my brother goofed up his Ebay account and got it suspended, and since I have the same address as him for now, they lumped me in with him and suspended mine as well. Way to go, Ebay! Well, I had no choice but to try Amazon. And after about a week, the sales started pouring in, and I haven't looked back since. I've been quickly increasing my item volume, and with it, increasing my sales volume as well. I truly feel like this might be my way "out" of the back breaking work game. I know this isn't easy either, but I would be working for myself, and be able to control what I do, when I do it. I think I've got a real shot at making it work. Cross your fingers for me!

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